Originated in the late 1960s from the rock music, Heavy metal music is a loud and harsh style of rock music that uses brutal force of heavy bass, loud guitars, powerful vocals, loud drum sounds and forceful rhythms. Heavy metal songs use screaming, aggressive sounds and strong beats with provocating lyrics. This category of music represents controversial themes like depression, evil, death, darkness, etc.
We secure the largest collection of heavy metal music. We have thousands of legal songs belong to heavy metal genre from popular bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Def Leppard, Kiss, Van Halen, Guns 'N' Roses and others. These tracks can be freely downloaded to your computer or mobile devices without any copyright violation issues. We also offer free legal songs from well known heavy metal artists such as Dave Mustaine, Alice Cooper, Geoff Tate, Ozzy Osbourne, Perry Farrell, Robert Plant, Rob Halford, Axl Rose, Bruce Dickinson, Ronnie James Dio, Vince Neil and others.
Experience the audio quality we offer by listening to our royalty free heavy metal tracks from or online music player.
If you would like to download heavy metal music to your computers, it is possible at our online music store. We feature millions of free legal heavy metal songs in our collection. Most of the tracks are royalty free and hold creative commons licenses. Others are either copyleft or public domain tracks. All these songs can be legally downloaded for free as the royalty fee is paid for them.
Moreover, our download software is capable of filtering MP3 tracks out of online music videos and download them to your computers for free. Our music download program uses technologies like format shifting, time shifting and space shifting to be able to legally extract MP3 audio files from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Hulu and other video sources.
Our store lets you download unlimited heavy metal songs for personal use. However, if you would like to use them for any commercial purposes like playing for a stage show, you need to purchase the tracks from any commercial music store.
Sound Click is a good option for downloading free music tracks and also enables buying them for commercial purposes. The tracks at Sound Click are comparatively cheaper to other music stores. Artists get paid for their tracks purchased.
This is a free metal music community with millions of music lovers, indie artists and music bands. Sound Click is known as the leading player in heavy metal genre and is popularity is growing by addition of local musicians, celebrities, performers from across the world and lots of unsigned bands. They feature thousands of free legal heavy metal songs in their online store. Check out their collection and listen to your favorite tracks online or download them to your computer for free.
SoundClick - Free Heavy Metal Songs Downloads
Online Radio Stations are also a way to listen to free heavy metal tracks. One can listen to online music without downloading to the computer. It is possible with just a good Internet connection and nothing more. Shoutcast and Last.fm are the leading choices in Internet radio stations offering great audio quality than any other Internet radio service.
You need to register with Last.fm to start listening to free music from it. The website features a nice, user friendly interface with the heavy metal music tracks listed right on the main page. There is also a search box that allows finding your favorite track or artist.
Last.fm - Listen to Free Heavy Metal Songs Online
Shoutcast is a streaming radio service with lots of heavy metal tracks. Many online music lovers use this service to listen to free radio music from their computers and MP3 players. Shoutcast streams music from various radio stations around the world.
Shoutcast - Listen to Free Heavy Metal Music Online
I'll add more heavy metal songs in our music store whenever available online from major music recording companies. Please visit this page frequently to download all our latest free heavy metal music tracks.
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