Legal Music Downloads - What is Free and What is Not?

We've 10 Million free legal music downloads in our music store. Also, our music download software can legally download around 12 Billion free mp3 tracks from Internet live broadcasts such as online music videos.

Free Legal Music Downloads - What is Free?

Listening to music from our online music player is absolutely free. Our Home page gives you around 15000 free legal music downloads in various music genres and world languages. Also, you can download all of them for free.

Other than these free tracks on the Home page, you can listen to and download free music from all the 62 music genre pages on this website. Each of these pages have tracks in that particular music genre.

You can listen to and download all of these tracks absolutely for free and check the audio quality of these tracks for yourself. Our music store has an entire library of 10 Million tracks in various music genres. Downloading the entire music library requires you to install our Audials music download software - absolutely for free.

How Can We Give You Free Legal Music Downloads ?

Majority of our tracks are obtained from the following free and legal music resources and hence you can legally download them for free.

  • We've got around 4 Million tracks in our music store with creative commons licenses. All these tracks can be legally downloaded for free. The only downside is that you cannot use them for any commercial purpose. You may need to contact the respective artist to obtain the commercial license on their works to use them in your commercial projects. You can use them for free for your personal use.
  • Then, we've public domain music tracks which again can be legally downloaded for free. Anyone can download any public domain tracks to their computers as the copyrights on those works are already expired.
  • Our other music sources include tracks from "Unsigned bands" and "Copy left" music providers.

Indie artists and unsigned bands are not registered with Recording Labels and hence need to find their own way to market their music. These artists and bands give away some of their tracks to get public attention. Hundreds of unsigned bands from around the world are registered with us and we've a huge collection of those tracks also.

"Copy left" music providers don't claim any copyright on their music and hence you can legally download them to your computers for free.

  • We've around 15000 Royalty free tracks in our music store. We've already paid the royalty fee to their respective recording companies and hence you can use these tracks for free from our music store.

Other than these tracks in our music store, our free legal music downloads software can search and extract mp3 tacks from many online video sources. We can extract around 12 Billion free media files from these online video sources and then you'll be able to legally download them to your computers for free. We use time shifting technology to make all our downloads completely legal in line with the fair use provisions of the United States copyright laws.

Why Do We Give You Free Legal Music Downloads ?

We think this is the best way to say thanks to all our website visitors. Our sincere thanks to all music lovers world wide for using our website for all your music requirements.

Legal Music Downloads - What is Not Free ?

You can listen to and download all the music tracks listed here for free. Also, you can enjoy our entire library of 10 Million music tracks for free. You can legally download all of these tracks to your computers and mobile devices by installing our Audials music download software - absolutely for free.

Also, we have a paid version of the Audials software to give you unlimited Lifetime Access. This includes some additional features, like music lyrics, free recordings from paid music stores, access to audio books etc. The paid version costs you one simple lifetime fee of $39. You'll be able to legally download our entire library of music tracks to your computers, mobile phones and MP3 players. Plus, you'll get 12 Billion free legal music tracks in CD quality audio with the highest download speed.

Why Do We Charge a Nominal Fee for Lifetime Access?

We've 10 Million plus free music files saved in our store using the world's fastest Cloud servers. You'll get free legal music downloads directly from our servers from anywhere in the world in few seconds. Cloud computing technology uses many local servers all over the world to balance their network load. This means, you can download music from Australia or Japan with the same speed you download them from the US or Europe. This requires the highest network bandwidth to download the tracks from anywhere in the world in seconds.


Also, our software can extract 12 Billion free legal music tracks in the highest audio quality as that of a music CD. As you know, this requires high network bandwidth which in turn requires a huge investment on our network servers. Thanks to Amazon Cloud servers to host our 10 Million plus music files to give you the fastest music downloads possible from anywhere in the world. Also, Amazon Cloud servers provide us the bandwidth requirements for our entire music library.


Considering the bandwidth and storage space requirements, we've decided to charge a minimum amount ($39) for Life time Access. Still, you can download or/and listen to free music from our Home page and 62 music genre pages on this website - completely for free.